I got most of these posts from good old Technorati.
What I noticed is that lots of people posted but only a few posted original comments, which leads me to belive either they didn’t have a strong enough opinion to write them down or they didn’t read the ebook and just chose to post the supply copy.
This is stupid on a number of fronts.
People like to hear other peoples opinions, even if they don’t agree with them. (Check the Dead Trout post)
Posting suppiled content makes you look lazy.
Google will not love you and you will trigger the duplicate hammer.
Even though I liked Death of marketing and agreed with most of it, the post I most enjoyed reading was the Kick Start Daily Meanderings dude. Most because it was contrarian and he sounded like a grumpy old man, and that tickled me. And you absolutely and utterly knew he was speaking straight from the heart with no bullshit.
Guess what? I am going to visit that guys blog a bit more often.
Marketing is persuasion. It’s not about getting someone to like you. It’s not about making friends. It’s about getting someone to do something you want them to do.
So todays blog of the week is Kick start meanderings.
products at no cost
Kickstart daily meanderings
Entreprenuers Journey – Yaro Starak
A Myspace blog (strange the things you find on Technorati)
Copywriters Board