People often mistake the term “quality”, for “what works”.
Quality is subjective, whilst “what works” is clearly definable.
But when web content is sold, it’s sold as “quality content”. Look how many blog posts talk about “quality content”, repeated without thought.
When what they should be talking about is content that does the job. The objective is not to please the critics, it’s to play to the audience.
A number of people claim to hate infographics, as if what they feel is of some importance. But the feelings of a few industry experts is not the objective. Does the infographic work?
It’s said that infographics are dead and that they have saturated the market place, but so they work? What the pundits and commentators say is mostly irrelevant. The only question to be answered is…
…does the content work.
I use infographics as an illustration of something where you get a swathe of negative opinion and yet they get the job done.
Am I saying only do infographics to communicate your message?
That would be insane.
But think who you want your communication to reach and the job you want it to do. And they go and craft the tool that will do the job.
Xfactor, is no way quality, but it works.
Sometimes your content needs to be more Xfactor than Strictly Ballroom